§ 15-119. Violations; enforcement and remedies; appeals.
Violations of the provisions of this article, or failure to comply with any of the requirements set forth herein, including violation of conditions and safeguards established in connection with the grant of a variance hereunder, shall be prosecuted as provided by Chapter 1, Section 1-9; Chapter 11; and Chapter 15, Article II, sections 15-36 and 15-37 of the Code. Each day such violation continues shall be considered a separate offense. Nothing herein contained shall prevent the environmental protection officer or the county from taking such other lawful action as is necessary to prevent or remedy any violation, including seeking injunctive relief in a court of competent jurisdiction. Chapter 15, Article II shall govern appeals from actions taken under this article.
(Ord. No. 2013-09 , § 4, 4-9-13)