Orange County |
Code of Ordinances |
Division 1. GENERALLY |
§ 15-283. Recommended, replacement, restricted, and specimen trees.
Recommended stock. The following tree replacement species are suggested because they are native to the region and/or their proven performance in Central Florida. The following trees may be used as replacement stock without prior approval. All other replacement trees must be approved by the zoning manager.
Botanical Name Common Name C/U
(Canopy or
Understory)Acer rubrum Red maple C Aesculus pavia Red buckeye U Betula Nigra River Birch U Carya floridana Scrub hickory C Carya glabra Pignut hickory C Carya glabra negacarpa Coast pignut hickory U Carya illinoinensis Pecan C Cercis canadensis Red Bud U Chionanthus virginicus Fringe Tree C Cornus florida Flowering dogwood U Cornus foemina Swamp dogwood U Fraxinus pennsylvanica Green Ash C Gordonia Lasianthus Loblolly bay U Ilex cassine Dahoon holly U Ilex opaca American holly U Juniperus virginiana Southern red cedar C Lagerstroemia indica Crepe Myrtle U Ligustrum japonicum Ligustrum U Liquidambar styraciflua Sweet gum C Liriodendron tulipfera Tulip tree U Magnolia grandiflora Southern magnolia C Magnolia virginiana Sweet bay U Nyssa sylvatica Black Gum C Osmanthus americanus Wild olive-Devilwood U Persea borbonia Red bay U Pinus elliotti Slash Pine C Pinus palustris Long Leaf Pine C Pinus taeda Loblolly Pine C Platanus occidentalis Sycamore C Prunus angustifolia Chickasaw plum U Quercus falcata Southern Red Oak C Quercus geminata Sand live oak C Quercus incana Blackjack oak U Quercus inopina Scrub oak U Quercus laevis Turkey oak C Quercus Laurifoilia Laurel oak C Quercus michauxii Swamp Chestnut Oak C Quercus myrtifolia Myrtle oak U Quercus nigra Water oak C Quercus shumardii Spanish oak; Shumard Oak C Quercus virginiana Live oak C Sabal Palmetto Sabal or Cabbage Palm U Taxodium ascendens Pond cypress C Taxodium distichum Bald cypress C Ulmus alata Winged elm; Cork elm C Ulmus parvifolia Chinese Elm C (b)
Restricted stock. The following trees may not be used as replacement stock within the unincorporated areas of the county due to their exotic invasive nature or otherwise undesirable characteristics: (Also includes all plants listed on the Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council list, categories I and II.)
Botanical Name Common Name Albizzia julibrissin Mimosa Broussonetia papyrifora Paper mulberry Casuarina species Australian pine Enterlobium contortisliquum Ear tree Eucalyptus camuldulensis Cama eucalyptus Grevillea robusta Silk oak Jacaranda acutifolia Jacaranda Leucaena species Lead tree Melaleuca species Cajeput or punk tree Melia azedarch Chinaberry Sapium sebiferum Chinese tallow tree Schinus terebinthifolius Florida holly or Brazilian pepper Terminalia catappa Tropical Almond (c)
Specimen trees. Reasonable efforts should be made to preserve specimen trees (as defined in section 15-277). A permit to remove a specimen tree shall be granted when one or more of the following items do not allow for reasonable options to preserve the tree(s):
Grading and drainage requirements for the site;
The construction of a building;
The installation of required utilities;
Access to and immediately around proposed structures; or
Parking lot requirements.
If approved for removal by the zoning manager, specimen trees shall be replaced at a ratio of two (2) to one (1) of the cumulative caliper of the trees to be installed to the cumulative DBH of the trees removed. Notwithstanding the ratios established immediately above, commercial lots under ten thousand (10,000) square feet shall be required to replace specimen trees at a one-to-one ratio of the cumulative caliper of the trees installed to the cumulative DBH of the trees removed.
Replacement. Protected trees identified for removal on the tree survey, other than pine trees, shall be replaced by trees identified on the recommended stock list, section 15-283(a).
Replacement of non-specimen trees shall be based on a one-to-one ratio of the cumulative DBH of the trees to be removed to the cumulative caliper of the trees to be installed. (For example: a 21" DBH tree to be removed shall be replaced by seven (7) 3" Caliper trees or three (3) 7" Caliper trees, or any combination of replacement trees that total the total DBH removed.) Specimen trees shall be replaced on a two-to-one ratio of the cumulative caliper of the trees to be installed to the cumulative DBH of the trees removed. Notwithstanding the replacement requirements of this paragraph, section 15-283(d), no applicant may be required to replace more than ninety caliper inches per acre (prorated for fractional acres) for each development approval or permit, as the case may be, upon demonstration that the applicant has avoided the removal of protected trees to the maximum extent practicable. The replacement requirements of this paragraph shall not apply to pine trees harvested during a bona fide silvicultural operation.
All replacement trees are to be Florida Nursery Standard #1 or better.
Fifty percent (50%) or more of the canopy trees used for replacement shall be a minimum of ten (10) feet in height and have a caliper no less than three (3) inches. Twenty-five percent (25%) or less of the canopy trees used for replacement shall be a minimum of eight (8) feet in height and have a caliper of no loss than two (2) inches.
Understory trees shall not make up more than twenty-five percent (25%) of the total number of trees planted to meet the required replacement for the site. Understory trees used for replacement shall be a minimum of four (4) feet in height and have a caliper no less than one and a half inches.
Replacement trees and preserved trees (three [3] inch caliper or greater) may count toward meeting the planting requirements of Orange County Code Chapter 24, Landscape Buffering and Open Space.
Healthy preserved trees on site, including pine trees on the recommended stock list, shall count toward meeting the replacement requirements of this section per the following:
Fifty percent (50%) or more of the preserved trees applied toward replacement credit shall be three inches in caliper or greater.
Twenty five percent (25%) or less of the preserved trees applied toward replacement credit may be a minimum of two (2) inches in caliper.
Twenty five percent (25%) of the preserved trees applied toward replacement credit may be understory trees as defined in this article.
The cumulative DBH of specimen trees preserved on site shall count two (2) to one (1) toward meeting the total replacement requirement.
Trees located within a designated conservation area shall not count toward replacement requirements of this article.
Tree replacement trust fund. There is hereby created a tree replacement trust fund, a separate fund of the county which shall receive all funds collected as tree replacement fees and mitigation fees.
Tree replacement fees. Tree replacement fees shall be established by the board of county commissioners and updated as necessary to cover the cost of replacing the trees, including materials and labor.
Disbursement of funds. Disbursement from the tree replacement trust fund shall be made only with the approval of the Board of County Commissioners, and only for the following purposes:
Primarily for purchase of trees for planting at a publicly owned and operated site or other community enhancement project such as the County Streetscape Program or as deemed appropriate by the Board of County Commissioners.
Secondarily for purchase of landscape materials or equipment, or the funding of educational programs which promote, enhance or implement the goals and objectives as established in section 15-276.
(Ord. No. Code 1965, § 19A-52; Ord. No. 85-33, § 12, 12-9-85; Ord. No. 2001-19, § 8, 11-6-01)