§ 21-234. Density testing.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Density tests reports, in accordance with the county road construction specifications for determination of the specified backfill, base, etc., compaction shall be made by a geotechnical engineer licensed in the state at the expense of the permittee, and reports submitted to the county engineer. Test locations shall be at random locations and shall be spaced not more than three hundred (300) feet apart where the trench cut is continuous. Tests shall be required for each lane of the traveled way for the first lift, second lift and the base.


    For each three-hundred-foot section, a minimum of one (1) test per lane is required for the first lift (up to one (1) foot above the utility). Testing for the second lift backfill under the traveled way shall be a minimum of one (1) test per lane at two-foot vertical intervals for each crossing or three-hundred-foot section.


    Tests for second lift backfill in other areas will be at the discretion of the county engineer.


    A minimum of one (1) density test per lane for the base course for each road crossing shall be required.


    Concrete compressive strength tests may be required at the option of the county engineer.


    If any test results are unsatisfactory, the permittee shall reexcavate and recompact the backfill at his expense until the desired compaction is obtained. Additional compaction tests shall be made to each side of an unsatisfactory test, as directed by the county engineer, to determine the extent of reexcavation and recompaction necessary.


    Open cuts of traveled ways, of any size, will require satisfactory density tests, and submission of reports thereof, by a geotechnical engineer licensed in the state, to the county engineer, prior to resurfacing or final restoration.

(Right-of-Way Utilization Regs., § XIV)