§ 25-147. Tourist development tax grant application and evaluation process.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Purpose and intent. The purpose of this section is to provide a process by which the county may evaluate requests for funding eligible projects utilizing excess tourist development tax revenue received pursuant to this article. Excess tourist development tax revenue is that amount of tourist development tax revenue annually determined by the board of county commissioners pursuant to section 25-140 of this article, to be available for cash funding legally authorized uses of tourist development tax revenue not earmarked, bonded, contractually committed, or otherwise authorized in the county's tourist development plan. This section is intended to set forth an application procedure and to identify specific review criteria with which an application review committee established by the board of county commissioners shall evaluate applications for funding. Any use of excess tourist development tax revenue under this section shall be consistent with F.S. § 125.0104, as it may be amended from time to time. Nothing herein shall be construed to require the board of county commissioners to approve a request for funding using excess tourist development tax revenue. Funds made available pursuant to this section shall be currently available cash excess tourist development tax revenues and shall not be pledged as security for any debt financing.


    Funding availability. Applications will be accepted in those years in which the board of county commissioners has determined that excess tourist development tax revenue is available. Such determination shall be made during the annual budgetary process and notice of availability of any such funds shall be provided on the county website.


    Application required. Applicants for tourist development tax revenue funding shall complete application forms appropriate to the nature and type of the request as shall be set forth in county administrative regulations. Applications may be required to be accompanied by an application fee established pursuant to county policy.


    Application review committee. Complete applications shall be scheduled for consideration by an application review committee (ARC) comprised of eleven (11) members appointed by the board of county commissioners including three (3) representatives recommended by the tourist development council, two (2) of whom shall represent owners or operators of tourist accommodations in the county and one (1) of whom shall represent community arts organizations in the county and eight (8) representatives selected by the board of county commissioners including one (1) representative recommended by each district commissioner and two (2) representatives recommended by the mayor. The ARC shall be established by county resolution and shall receive administrative and legal support from county staff. The ARC shall (i) recommend a funding allocation between capital and events grant funding; (ii) develop an application cycle and process for capital and events grants; and (iii) rank applications and make written funding recommendations to the tourist development council and board of county commissioners. The ARC shall evaluate applications using the criteria set forth in subsection (g) below. Applicants may be required to present their funding proposals to the ARC.


    Tourist development council. Written recommendations from the ARC shall be submitted to the tourist development council and the board of county commissioners and placed in the tourist development council agenda packages for consideration during the next available tourist development council meeting. Applicants may be required to present their proposals to the tourist development council. The tourist development council shall review the recommendations from the ARC and make a recommendation to the board of county commissioners regarding applications for funding.


    Board of county commissioners. Following the tourist development council's recommendation, the ARC's recommendation shall be scheduled for consideration by the board of county commissioners. The board of county commissioners shall review the recommendation of the ARC, the application and the recommendation of the tourist development council and shall either approve or deny the requests for funding by an affirmative vote of a majority of the board of county commissioners.


    Application review criteria. The ARC shall evaluate all applications for funding using excess tourist development tax revenue based on the following criteria, as applicable:


    Commitment to expansion of tourism in county — whether the application demonstrates how the proposed event or capital project will attract tourists to county; to what extent the proposed event or capital project will be advertised (local, regional, national, international); and the collaborative efforts that will be undertaken to work with the tourism industry to promote the event or project.


    Soundness of proposed event or capital project — whether the application includes clearly articulated objectives; contains a realistic timetable for implementation; identifies any additional funding sources that will be utilized for the event or capital project; demonstrates that the applicant has a proven record to develop resources and effectively plan, organize, and implement the proposed event or capital project; evidences the applicant can administer public grants and prepare and deliver any necessary reports.


    Anticipated return on investment — whether the application demonstrates that the proposed event or capital project will economically benefit county, including, but not limited to creating jobs, increasing wages, increasing property, sales and/or tourist development tax revenues, and increasing development.


    Funding agreements; reporting and audit provisions. All funding recommendations approved by the board of county commissioners pursuant to this section shall be documented in funding agreements between the applicant and county which agreements shall set forth the terms and conditions under which payment may be made, including requirements to ensure accountability for the appropriate use of tourist development tax revenue, attendance, revenue generated, tickets sold or such other data as may be required by the county or tourist development council, and such reporting and auditing provisions as will enable the tourist development council, the board of county commissioners and the county comptroller to determine compliance with state law and the terms of the applicable funding agreement.


    No effect on existing tourist development plan priorities. This section shall not be construed to impact the expenditure of tourist development tax revenue pursuant to other authorizations in the county's tourist development plan.

(Ord. No. 2016-30 , § 3, 11-29-16)